“Always on My Mind” is a love song written by Wayne Carson, Johnny Christopher, and Mark James, first released by Gwen McCrae (as “You Were Always on My Mind”) in 1972. The song has been a crossover hit, charting in both the country and western and pop categories. Brenda Lee also released a version in 1972. Biographer Roben Jones recalls how “Always On My Mind” did not see completion until late 1971. Main songwriter Wayne Carson had about two verses done the year before, with the working title “You Were Always On My Mind.” Wayne remembered that only after Mark James joined him and co-writer Johnny Christopher in the studio for a session in the fall of 1971, and created the bridge, did it get done. Glen Spreen also remembered the tune finished just before the famous studio shut down. Willie Nelson probably made the most famous release of the song. Elvis Presley recorded “Always on My Mind” on March 29, 1972, a few weeks after his February separation from his wife, Priscilla. The song received immense fame and critical appreciation and is considered one of Presley’s standout songs of the 1970s.